Two-Sided Modifications of Lévy Processes

Søren Asmussen
Department of Mathematical Statistics
Aarhus University, Denmark

Wednesday, January 12, 2005
4:30 - 5:45 PM
Terman Engineering Center, Room 453


A Lévy process X is an independent sum of a linear drift, a Brownian motion and a pure jump process, say a stable process, a NIG process or just a compound Poisson process. We define the two-sided reflected version V as solution of a Skorokhod problem V(t) = V(0)+X(t)+L^0(t)-L^K(t) where L^0, L^K are the local times at the two boundaries 0, K. The loss rate l^K is the stationary expectation of L^K(1); say l^K is the overflow rate of a dam or the bit loss rate in a data buffer. We give an expression for l^K in terms of the parameters of the Lévy process and the stationary distribution; it is notable that this problem is trivial in discrete time, with one-sided reflection and for certain specific Lévy processes. Also the asymptotics of l^K as K goes to infinity is determined both with light and with heavy tails of the Lévy measure. We finally look at the asymptotics as K goes to infinity of a one-sided reflected version of X with the Lévy measure truncated at K. Joint work with Mats Pihlsgård, Lund, Sweden.

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