Coherent Risk Measures

Alexander Cherny
Department of Probability Theory
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
Moscow State University

Tuesday, March 6, 2007
4:30 - 5:30 PM
Terman Engineering Center, Room 217


The classical measures of risk are variance and V@R. However, both have certain drawbacks. In 1997, Artzner, Delbaen, Eber, and Heath [1] introduced the notion of a coherent risk measure as a new way of quantifying risk. Being that, it provides new approaches to various problems of finance, including pricing, hedging, and portfolio choice. The theory of coherent risks is a very rapidly growing branch of financial mathematics. As an example, the paper of Artzner, Delbaen, Eber, and Heath has the third download rank at and there are about 350 papers on that site citing it.

In the talk I will first give a basic introduction to coherent risks, providing a comparison with the classical risk measures. Then I will speak about the best representatives of this class. In a sense, the most convenient and important subclass of coherent risks is Weighted V@R. I will describe basic properties of this class, including the description of law invariant risk measures [6], strict diversification property [2], and the description of factor monotone risk measures [3], which is closely connected to the notion of factor risks introduced in [4] (these are aimed at measuring the risk of a portfolio driven by a particular risk factor). Finally, I will introduce some new nice representatives of the class Weighted V@R proposed in [5] and compare between different representatives of this class using the notion of a coherent state-price density [5].

The talk will be completely self-contained.


[1] P. Artzner, F. Delbaen, J.-M. Eber, D. Heath. Thinking coherently. Risk, 10 (1997), No. 11, p. 68-71.

[2] A.S. Cherny. Weighted V@R and its properties. Finance and Stochastics, 10 (2006), p. 367-393.

[3] A.S. Cherny, P.G. Grigoriev. Dilatation monotone risk measures are law invariant. Finance and Stochastics, 11 (2007), No. 2, 8 p.

[4] A.S. Cherny, D.B. Madan. Coherent measurement of factor risks. Preprint,

[5] A.S. Cherny, D.B. Madan. On measuring the degree of market effciency. Preprint,

[6] S. Kusuoka. On law invariant coherent risk measures. Advances in Mathematical Economics, 3 (2001), p. 83-95.

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