Precise asymptotics in high-dimensional
sparse regression and compressed sensing.
David Donoho
Department of Statistics
Stanford University
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
4:30 - 5:30 PM
Packard 101
I will describe recent work giving precise asymptotic results
on mean squared error and other characteristics,
of a range of estimators in a range of high-dimensional problems
from sparse regression and compressed sensing;
these include results for LASSO, group LASSO, and nonconvex
sparsity penalty methods.
A key applicaton of such precise formulas is
their use in deriving precise optimality results
which were not known previously, and to our knowledge
not available by other methods.
This is joint work over several papers with several co-authors,
including Andrea Montanari, Iain Johnstone, and Arian Maleki.
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