Validity of Steady-State Heavy Traffic Approximations in Generalized Jackson Networks

David Gamarnik
Department of Math Sciences
IBM T.J.Watson Research Center

Wednesday, October 27, 2004
4:30 - 5:45 PM
Terman Engineering Center, Room 453


(Generalized) Jackson network is one of the oldest queueing network models. The closed form type solution to this model is not achievable in general, modulo some specific Markovian type cases. As a result, the researchers focused on asymptotic approaches, and here the diffusion approximation plays a very prominent role. In particular, a classical theorem by Reiman asserts that a sequence of normalized queue length processes converges weakly to an associated Reflected Brownian Motion (RBM), as the network approaches the heavy traffic regime. However, the result corresponds only to the transient behavior, and it is still not known whether the stationary distribution of the RBM provides a valid approximation of the underlying GJN in steady-state. We resolve this open problem, thus validating a so-called ``interchange-of-limits'' for this class of networks. The result has several useful implications. In particular, in some cases, the asymptotic steady state distribution of queue lengths and waiting times can be computed in closed form.

Joint work with Assaf Zeevi (Columbia University).

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