Cuts and Flows in Directed Graphs

Sanjeev Khanna
Department of Computer and Information Science
University of Pennsylvania

Wednesday, February 7, 2007
4:30 - 5:30 PM
Terman Engineering Center, Room 453


Cuts and flows are among the most well-studied concepts in combinatorial optimization. The duality between cuts and flows plays a central role in many algorithms. The performance of several algorithms is tied to the flow-cut gap: the worst-case ratio between multicommodity flow and multicut.

The flow-cut gap in undirected graphs is well-understood, and is known to be \Theta(log n). However, so far, the question of flow-cut gap in directed graphs has remained wide open. The best known lower bound is logarithmic while the best known upper bound is polynomial. In a sharp contrast to the undirected case, we will show in this talk that the flow-cut gap in directed graphs can be polynomially large. Based on our flow-cut gap construction, we will also briefly describe a strong hardness of approximation result for the directed multicut and the directed sparsest cut problem.

This is joint work with Julia Chuzhoy (IAS).

Operations Research Colloquia: