Two-Approximation Algorithm for Dynamic Stochastic Lost-Sales Inventory Problem with Lead Time

Retsef Levi
Postdoctoral Fellow
T.J. Watson Research Center
(Sloan School of Management, MIT)

Wednesday, February 8, 2006
5:00 - 6:15 PM
Terman Engineering Center, Room 453


We address the single-item single-location periodic-review stochastic inventory problem where unsatisfied demands are lost and there is a lead time for delivery of orders. There are linear costs of storage and of lost sales. The goal is to find a minimum-expected-cost ordering policy for a finite planning horizon to supply a sequence of random demands with known joint distribution. Except for the case where the lead times are zero or one, little is known about the structure of optimal policies. Heretofore, computing good policies has been hard unless the lead times are short--even with independent demands. We show how to find "dual-balancing" policies whose expected cost is at most twice that of the optimal policy.

Our result builds on ideas from joint work with Pa'l, Roundy and Shmoys which obtained a similar result for the backorders problems. Since the lost-sales problem has very different characteristics than the backorders problem, our result requires a fundamentally different worst-case analysis.

This is joint work with Ganesh Janakiraman and Mahesh Nagarajan.

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