Smart Factory: Manufacturing Execution Optimization

Leyuan Shi
University of Winsconsin-Madison

Wednesday, May 2, 2018
4:15 - 5:15 PM
Location: Shriram 108


Many manufacturing firms use aggregated data to provide scheduling /decision solutions for handling their daily operations. Given the nature of shop floor operating in real -time, these average-based scheduling systems cannot be fully executed since unexpected events will almost always occur such as rush orders, design changes, machine breakdowns, defective parts, and delivery delays etc. Currently, shop-floor responds to unexpected events via manually scheduling or by Excel, which leads to poor predictability and visibility of performance, slow response to uncertainties and market changes, and low efficiency of their production and supply chain systems.

In this talk, Manufacturing Execution Optimization (MEO) technologies developed by Dr. Shi and her team will be presented. MEO will enable the production system to be smart. By establishing top floor to shop floor communication in real time, manufacturing firms will be able to significantly improve their production and supply chain efficiency while achieving a faster response to changes and disturbances in the most time-optimal manner. MEO is developed based on Nested Partitions (NP) optimization framework. The coordination nature of the NP framework provides an efficient and effective platform for information sharing and exchange in real time. In this talk, two new simulation optimization methods will also be discussed and a case study will be presented.

Operations Research Colloquia: