Joint Colloquium with Stanford Algorithms Seminar

Reconstruction of and Optimization on Networks

Elchanan Mossel
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of California, Berkeley

Thursday, February 15, 2007
4:15 - 5:15 PM
Packard 101


Stochastic models defined on networks introduce novel algorithmic challenges. This challenges arise from diverse application fields, such as molecular biology, computer networks and social networks. In this talk I will survey some recent progress in this area. In particular, I will discuss the problem of reconstructing the network from observations at some nodes and optimization problems defined on such networks.

Based on joint works with C. Daskalakis and S. Roch, with S. Roch and with C. Daskalakis, D. Karp, S. Riesenfeld and E. Verbin.

Operations Research Colloquia: