Very Large Scale Neighborhood Search

James Orlin
Operations Research Center
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Monday, October 25, 2004
3:00 - 4:00 PM
Terman Engineering Center, Room 453


Many optimization problems of practical interest are computationally intractable. Therefore, a practical approach for solving such problems is to employ heuristic (approximation) algorithms that can find nearly optimal solutions within a reasonable amount of computation time.

An improvement algorithm is a heuristic algorithm that generally starts with a feasible solution and iteratively tries to obtain a better solution. Neighborhood search algorithms (alternatively called local search algorithms) are a wide class of improvement algorithms where at each iteration an improving solution is found by searching the "neighborhood" of the current solution.

This talk focuses on neighborhood search algorithms where the size of the neighborhood is "very large" with respect to the size of the input data and in which the neighborhood is searched in an efficient manner. We survey several broad classes of very large-scale neighborhood search (VLSN) algorithms and give applications to partitioning and to fleet assignment problems in airline scheduling.

Operations Research Colloquia: