Statistical Physics, Bounded Rationality, and Distributed Control/Optimization

David Wolpert
Computational Sciences Division
NASA Ames Research Center

Wednesday, December 1, 2004
4:30 - 5:45 PM
Terman Engineering Center, Room 453


A major problem in optimization and control is how to implement control on (massively) distributed systems, i.e., how to do distributed optimization. Especially difficult is how to do this in an adaptive manner, with mixed types of control variables. A long-running difficulty with conventional game theory is how to modify it to accommodate bounded rationality.  Finally, a recurring issue in statistical physics is how best to approximate joint probability distributions with decoupled (and therefore far more tractable) distributions.
This talk shows that the same information-theoretic structure, known as Probability Collectives (PC), underpins all three issues.  This means that distributed control/optimization, statistical physics, and game theory are fundamentally identical.  Accordingly techniques and insights from one of those fields can be applied to the others.  One example of this, presented here, is how to apply steepest descent techniques to optimize/control systems of discrete variables. Another example is the use of the grand canonical ensemble of statistical physics to elaborate game theory in which the number of players is not pre-determined, but varies stochastically.

Operations Research Colloquia: