
Core Faculty

Affiliated Faculty

Emeritus Faculty

Consulting Faculty

Current Ph.D. Students

Postdoctoral Fellows

Core Faculty

Itai Ashlagi
Market design, matching theory, game theory

Nick Bambos
Communication networks, queueing systems

Jose Blanchet
Applied probability, mathematical finance, risk theory

Peter Glynn
Stochastic modeling, applied probability

Ashish Goel
Algorithms, computer networks

Ramesh Johari
Game theory, economic analysis, large-scale data

Irene Lo
Mechanism design, graph theory

Amin Saberi
Algorithms, social networks

Aaron Sidford
Combinatorial optimization, algorithms

Vasilis Syrgkanis

Madeleine Udell

Benjamin Van Roy
Dynamic optimization, machine learning

Ellen Vitercik

Affiliated Faculty

Stephen Boyd (by courtesy)

Kay Giesecke
Credit risk modeling, financial networks

Paul Milgrom (by courtesy)

Markus Pelger
Asset pricing, financial econometrics

Al Roth (by courtesy)

Johan Ugander
Social networks, social data

Emeritus Faculty

Richard Cottle

Curtis Eaves

Warren Hausman

Frederick Hillier

Donald Iglehart

David Luenberger

Walter Murray

Michael Saunders

Yinyu Ye

Consulting Faculty

Gerd Infanger
Stochastic optimization, finance

Current Ph.D. Students

Ali Ahmaditeshnizi

Kiana Asgari

Keertana Veeramony Chidambaram

Jiale Chen

Xin Chen

Monte Fischer

Zach Frangella

Andrei Graur

Zhihao Jiang

Yinxi Li

Sirui Lin

Elaine Liu

Hao Liu

Lewis Liu

Kyriakos Lotidis

Miao Lu

Ivan-Aleksandar Mavrov

Jason Meng

Anushka Murthy

Tristan Pollner

Ayush Sawarni

Shayan Talaei

Jiyuan Tan

Lezhi Tan

Isha Thapa

Mike Van Ness

Jiayi Wang

Shengbo Wang

Yinjun Wang

Anders Wikum

Chenghan Xie

Wenqian Xing

Mingwei Yang

Erica Zhang

Postdoctoral Fellows

Justin Whitehouse

Department of Management Science and Engineering, School of Engineering, Stanford University